Best Free SEO Tools To Improve Google Page Rank & DA
You have a website, and you want to promote it. You want to get a top page rank on Google, Yahoo!, and MSN. The problem is, even if you do get a first-page ranking, you realize that it is not making as much money as you hoped it would. Your online business isn't what it was, and you don't have the capital needed to start another online business.
The solution is to find search engine optimization software that will actually get you a top page ranking. The problem is that there are so many different kinds, and they range in price from a couple hundred dollars all the way up to thousands of dollars, that it can be very confusing to know what you need and what you want to pay for.
How Do You Choose A Search Engine Optimization Software Program?
Suppose you are like most people, and you just start a new online business. You have no knowledge base to determine what level of effort will be required to get the results you want. You start researching all you can find about how to get traffic to your website.
By researching search engine optimization software reviews, you come across many SEO programs that promise to get you ranked on the first page of Google. While it is true that these programs can help you achieve this, some of them are simply scams.
How do you know whether a program works?
The sad truth is that no software is 100% accurate. The Google algorithm is not something you can alter, and if you do change it, there is nothing that can be done to prevent Panda.
Therefore, finding a legitimate search engine optimization software program for your SEO project is simple. Here are some tips:
Does the search engine optimization software include page rank tracking?
Yes, all SEO software should include page rank tracking. This should be the first (and most important) function of any search engine optimization software. In fact, Google tells webmasters that you can improve page rank yourself by tracking page rank using Google Analytics.
Does the search engine optimization software include RSS ranking?
RSS stands for real simple syndication. Increasing your RSS feed will get you noticed by Google. But more than that, RSS ranking is a function of many functions being performed by various RSS feeds. For example, creating profiles on RSS feeds can help you get more backlinks.
You should use search engine optimization software that sends out automated communications to Google. You will want to do this so that you can manage your URL submissions manually.
Are some of the software products available free?
Yes, you can find some search engine optimization software products that are undeniably free. That does not, however, mean they do not offer quality. It is simply a matter of being able to distinguish the free from the good.
Another question you should ask yourself before you buy search engine optimization software is whether you will benefit from having the software in your own hands. Many people have been ripped off by rogue software developers.
Taking the software home with you implies you retain full ownership of all your own work. You mean to incorporate changes and know-how to them yourself. If you are going to give away your software, you need to ask yourself whether it is a tide you can ride.
What is the software package you require?
You need to determine whether you need a keyword research tool and, if you do, will this work for you. Relationship marketing and other forms of marketing require you to research keywords. Therefore you need a research tool that will enable you to find good keywords.
Which research tool will you use?
You need to use a research tool like Moz, Ubersuggest, Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, Woorank. Also, try to use software that has a good reputation for getting results.
Will you be able to compete with your competitors?
SEO is only one battle in the fight to be on top. You cannot win the war on Google. You need to find links to other sites with similar content as your own. Therefore, it is easier for Google to notice you if you have more links than your competitors like:
- Will you be able to see which links to use?
- Will you be able to see which sites are sending you traffic?
- Do you want to know how much your money is earning?
- Can you update your website regularly?
- Do you want to know how much your hosting is costing?
- Are you sure that the hosting is permanently secure?
- If you do not want to buy a new domain and start your site from scratch, is it a requirement?
- Do you want to get your site indexed by Google?
- Can you change the titles of the pages?
- What will you do to increase its visibility?