Manor Cafe Unlimited Money MOD APK

Are you a business lover? Have you ever dreamed of owning a luxurious, reputable restaurant and loved by millions of people? Make that dream come true with Manor Cafe. This is a simulation game where you are given the chance to become the boss of a famous restaurant. However, this facility is being dilapidated and abandoned after decades. You will have to rebuild everything from scratch!

You had one dream when you bought this old and outdated restaurant mansion: bringing its full glory back by decorating and re-opening all the beautiful parts like the bar, dining hall and the garden. Meet Meg the restaurant manager and Bruno the angry chef and be a part of their gripping life! Play and beat match-3 levels and earn stars to decorate your cafe. Uncover the intriguing story as you move, meet exciting characters and unlock tasty foods! If you’re a fan of puzzle games, house and kitchen design games, Manor Cafe is just the game for you!

Build your dream restaurant

According to the story, your restaurant is currently out of operation because most of everything is so old and damaged that it cannot be used. Therefore, the first task to do is to build and repair them.

Manor Cafe Unlimited Money MOD APK

Repair and replacement jobs will take place in each area of the restaurant. You will have to solve puzzles to earn money, unlock and buy the corresponding items. Of course, each puzzle level has a number of goals. You must complete and win to unlock new content. Soon, the outdated restaurant will be replaced by luxurious bars, modern kitchens, luxury garden houses and dining rooms.

Of course, each corresponding area will be a different challenge. The difficulty also gradually increases. But if you have any experience in match 3 puzzle, you should have easy access to Manor Cafe.

Unlock delicious foods

To be able to grow your restaurant and attract more customers, your restaurant needs a rich, eye-catching menu. Manor Cafe has a lot of recipes. You will have to complete the objectives in the level, unlock new content to get them. Of course, they will immediately be incorporated into the restaurant menu, and thus customers have more options for their dinner!

Mod Features:

The Manor Cafe MOD APK Unlock unlimited money feature.


Manor Cafe Unlimited Money MOD APK

Download and install FAQs

How to install Manor Cafe MOD APK?

  1. Download the file Manor_Cafe_v1.104.9_MOD_ganamod.apk.
  2. On your Android phone, open the downloaded file Manor_Cafe_v1.104.9_MOD_ganamod.apk.
  3. Tap Install.
  4. Follow the steps on the screen.

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Is the Manor Cafe MOD APK file safe?

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