Dungeon: Age of Heroes MOD APK v1.10
Dungeon: Age of Heroes MOD APK is an adventure game from the publisher 4fan studio games. In the game, you play as heroes who go through a series of mysterious dungeons and fight all kinds of monsters to save the kingdom of Jatran.
In the fantasy world of Jatran, the heroes challenged the EVIL itself. Lead a squad of the world's best heroes and lead them forward to glory!
Make your way through dungeons, forests, cities, crypts and castles facing their sinister inhabitants. Don't fall into their deadly traps. Make friends with strange characters.
Complete their crazy tasks. Look for treasures, collect unique equipment for your squad, pump your heroes.
Mod Features:
Dungeon: Age of Heroes MOD APK features: Unlimited Money
Download and install FAQs
How to install this MOD APK?
- Download the file MOD_APK_ganamod.com.apk.
- On your Android phone, open the downloaded file MOD_APK_ganamod.com.apk.
- Tap Install.
- Follow the steps on the screen.
Broken Download Link?
If there is a problem with the broken link, cannot download file, please report to our webmasters. Thank you!
The MOD APK description does not match with the downloaded file?
If there is a mistake between the description and the downloaded file, please report it to us via the Report section at the bottom of the page.
Is the MOD APK file safe?
Of course, every file is checked by antivirus software before being uploaded to the system.
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