Spotify Premium MOD APK v8.6.48.796
Play millions of songs and podcasts, for free.
With Spotify, it’s easy to find the right music or podcast for every moment – on your phone, your computer, your tablet and more.
There are millions of tracks and episodes on Spotify. So whether you’re behind the wheel, working out, partying or relaxing, the right music or podcast is always at your fingertips. Choose what you want to listen to, or let Spotify surprise you.
You can also browse through the collections of friends, artists, and celebrities, or create a radio station and just sit back.
Listen to the right music and podcasts
It can be said that Spotify is the “king” in the field of providing music online as this application owns a huge music store with over 40 million songs. All are copyrighted music of high quality. The application constantly updates the new songs and albums to help users quickly find the song they want.
Just like regular music stream services, you can find any song by entering the song title, artist name or album name in the search box above the application. Click on “Show all results” to let the application display the entire search results.
Based on your history and habits music, Spotify automatically suggests songs you may like and composes them into a playlist. These playlists are sorted by genre and mood. When you open the Discover Weekly at the top, you’ll see songs you have not listened yet, but you’ll probably like. Especially, whenever your favorite artists release new hits or albums, the app will send you instant notifications.
Mod Features:
Spotify, after being modified, can use most features of the Premium subscription. So it can be said that the version we offer is Spotify Premium APK.
- Unlocked Spotify Connect
- Listen 320kbps music
- Unlocked repeat mode
- Search your music
- Listen to any song you like
- Block Ads
- Unlimited Shuffle
- Dark Amoled Theme
Download and install FAQs
How to install Spotify Premium MOD APK?
- Download the file spotify_v8.6.32.925_mod.apk.
- On your Android phone, open the downloaded file spotify_v8.6.32.925_mod.apk.
- Tap Install.
- Follow the steps on the screen.
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Spotify Premium MOD APK description does not match with the downloaded file?
If there is a mistake between the description and the downloaded file, please report it to us via the Report section at the bottom of the page.
Is the Spotify Premium MOD APK file safe?
Of course, every file is checked by antivirus software before being uploaded to the system.
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